When I bought my home in 1999 the Oak tree was barely alive. The ice storm on 25 December 2000 finished killing it. I had the limbs taken down for safety reasons in 2000/01.
We discovered the tree was hollow on the inside, so Wesley built an Elf House into the tree. It is the cover for a book he had written. Now the tree and Elf House is gone. A severe storm came through here the night of April 3rd. and the tree fell late morning the next day. All it did was take my email with it. I finally got back online this morning, the 8th.
Chester is going to take the tree trunk out a little at a time. Any help would be appreciated. :)
Thank you for taking the pictures Denise.
So sad... it is funny tho... that was a much bigger looking tree standing up than laying down... it looks so little & squatty laying there. :)
I love, love, love, that little house!
I'm glad the tree did do any more damage than that :)
Lots of love you way from Kansas
Since the picture of the Elf House was taken, neighbors replaced the chain link fence with a privacy fence. The door even had a lock on it, I still have the skeleton key Wesley used. Now it is all mashed beneath the tree trunk. The legs that you see is gone, Chester got them out and the tree is on the ground now. I feel safer about it now.
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