Friday, November 30, 2007

Walking Girls

The top picture is Sophie my g-granddaughter. Kami my g-granddaughter is on the right. Elizabeth, on the left, my youngest granddaughter. They are using the same walker to learn to walk. Aren't they cute?
Elizabeth is now in the second grade at school and Kami is now in Pre-K and loving it.
Sophie is working at Star~Net Online Systems. She is keeping Mamaw in line so she will do her work right. Sophie has her own room where she works and is keeping every one on their toes, including her Papaw and her dad.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

My Many Talents

Here we are, most of my many Talents, a family of five and a family of three is missing. I am holding my dog, Crackers.

We had a great Thanksgiving dinner, with food coming from every one. We have a great bunch of good cooks in our Family.

Some make the same dish every time for they are famous with that dish. Martha makes the best Sweet Potato Casserole.
Denise makes Pink Stuff, heavenly. Janet if famous for her Baked Beans and Green Bean Casserole. This year Michael made the Baked Beans and two Pumpkins pies. Joe brought a pecan pie, Christi makes a mean Broccoli, cheese casserole. Karen makes wonderful mashed Potatoes and Kimmie brought the best rolls, Kevin made brownies. I did the Turkey, dressing and gravy. Grandma always brings Cottage cheese and Cranberry sauce because she knows our grandkids love cottage cheese.

If I missed anyone I am sorry. We will enjoy being together again for Christmas Dinner, all of us. :)

Friday, November 23, 2007

New Baby Girls

This is Sofie Rene at the tender age of six weeks. It is the only picture I have of her. She is now seven months old and is just as beautiful as she is here.

Thank you gr-grandmother Jean for sharing the picture with me.

Mommy, we need a newer picture to share, hint, hint.

We now have two new little girls in the family, Sophia Grace 10 1/2 months old holding Kami's puppies, and Sofia Rene 7 1/2 months.

Aren't they just precious?

There is another bundle of joy that has joined the family. She is Clara Jane age 2 weeks. Sophia Grace and Clara Jane are my gr-granddaughters.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Family Members

I am so proud of this picture of my sister-in-law and brother-in-law. They had it made for the church directory. Isn't it good?

She is my late husband's sister and her husband of almost 58 years.
I hope you have many more.

I love both of you guys.

Sunday, November 4, 2007


My children and their spouses honored me with a party for my 80th birthday yesterday, 3 Nov 2007. The 3rd was really my daddy's birthday, mine is the 6th. But the 3rd fell on Saturday and and we had a great time. I am posting a picture of me here and a link to 44 pictures that my niece Donna posted to The Tallant Tattler.

On Saturday morning we , my children & spouses, had breakfast at my home with our favorite menu, biscuits, sausage, gravy, and all the fixings. They also gave me a set of new phones that I really needed. They are up and working great. So when you call, I will be able to hear you better. :)

It was a wonderful day and I want to thank you all and thank the family and friends that attended. I love you all.

All pictures from the party can be seen here: Birthday Pictures