For a while now, Larry and Denise have eaten breakfast with me on Wednesdays. Now with the grandchildren coming along, we call it great-grandmothers day. They have breakfast, visit with me, then go over and visit with gr-grandmother Rhea. This week is the first time that Clara has gotten to do a gr-grandmothers day. Sophie and Aidan have, but not Clara for she lives out of town.
We had a great visit yesterday on Friday instead of Wednesday so Clara could be with us.
I made pancakes. So they would be healthy, I used Flax Seed Granules instead of oil. They were great. I made the girls Mickey Mouse pancakes. Sophie ate one, she was busy watching TV, but Clare ate almost two with peanut butter instead of syrup. What fun we had. They visited for a while then left to visit Aunt Kee and Gr-grandmother Rhea.