Wesley, Denise, Melissa and I attended Mago's funeral in Austin on Wednesday, June 20th. It was a sad day for us all as we left Waco in a driving rain, and it rained all the way to Austin. We arrived at the cemetery and it was just a sprinkle, then before the ceremony started, it started raining again. I heard it said that the rain was God's tears of joy at having Mago home with him.
Mago/Mimi, was Mary Elizabeth McCluskey Shular. They lived across the street from us for the 42 years that we lived in Austin. There was many friends and loved ones there. We met Mago's daughter Kathy's new husband, Larry and granddaughter, Carrie's husband, Tom. Mago would have been a gr-grandmother in the near future.
After the funeral we made our way back to the "neighborhood" where we had lived so long. We had lunch with some more dear friends, Lucille and Marcene, Louise and Nellie. We had visited with Virginia and Jenny at the funeral. I just know that Mago was enjoying the visit with us.
It was Wesley's first time to go back to see the home where he was raised, it was quite different then when we left it 18 June 1999. In fact, as we were getting into the cars and the truck, Wesley picked Mago up and tried to put her in the truck with me. The fun of that helped to lighten the leaving, at least for me.
In the picture is, from the left, Nellie Havens, Louise Rawls, Me, Lucille and daughter Marcene Lancaster.